Met Office Virtual Climate Science Conference 2021: “Science For a Resilient Future”

Met Office Climate Science Conference 2021

Dates: May 11 – 12, 2021

Science For a Resilient Future

Innovation in science and services to address the societal challenges of climate change and build a more resilient net zero future.

About the Conference

In November 2021 the UK, in partnership with Italy, will host the COP26 meeting in Glasgow. This is the crucial climate summit at which nations will be asked to step up their ambitions towards tackling climate change. The task – to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by the middle of the century as required by the Paris agreement of 2015 – is daunting and at times success can seem hopeless. Yet hope there is, of technological and societal solutions to achieving net zero emissions, and of strategies to ensure societies around the world are more resilient to the vagaries of weather and climate. Science and innovation have large roles to play in helping steer our world towards a more sustainable future.

And this hope remains, even in the face of recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, a key part of which will be seeking to ensure that this is carried out in a way that is consistent with the climate goals set out under the COP process and that takes account of any learning and opportunities presented by the response to the pandemic. During this crucial year for addressing the climate crisis, the Met Office Hadley Centre, having recently marked its thirtieth anniversary in 2020, will host a conference on the theme of net-zero and climate resilience that will help set the agenda for the development of science for policy over the next decade.

The meeting will bring together leading scientists and policymakers, young people, community representatives and science communicators from around the world. Its aim is to set out a vision for how climate science and services can be harnessed in support of the ambitions of diverse societies worldwide to build a more sustainable, more resilient low carbon future. Its legacy will be to layout a scientific agenda to inform climate policy post COP26. 

Conference Themes

  • Current and future risks from weather and climate.
  • High impact, low likelihood outcomes of climate change (including tipping points).
  • Future carbon and mitigation strategies to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change. 
  • Climate-resilient development: minimizing impacts and trade-offs, and maximizing the co-benefits of mitigation and adaptation.
  • Pan-Africa perspectives within the context of the four main conference themes, looking at the past, the present and the future over the next decade or so. Three sessions:
    • Science perspectives,
    • Technological Entrepreneurship Youth and
    • Policy.

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To learn more about the conference, visit the official conference website

To register: Click here